I am a Full-Stack Developer with a passion for delivering exceptional results.
With my expertise in React and NextJS on the frontend, and PHP, CodeIgniter, NodeJS, and Express on the backend, I bring a unique combination of technical skills and creative problem-solving to every project I work on.
With 4+ years of comprehensive experience in web application development, I have polished my skills in both frontend and backend development. In addition to my hands-on experience in web development, my education has also played a critical role in providing a strong foundation for my career.
Here is my educational background.
A minimal, accessible and SEO-friendly Astro blog theme. One of the most starred blog templates built with Astro.
An ecommerce web application where users can browse various products, add to wishlist, add to cart, and make purchase. Available in English and Burmese languages.
A RESTful API developed for Haru fashion ecommerce project. Include CRUD operations, authentication, authorization, forgot/reset password and full-text search.
Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite. Built with responsiveness and accessibility in mind.
As a dev, I am driven by my love for coding and my desire for new challenges. If you have opportunities for collaboration or want to build something amazing, don't hesitate to contact me!
Get in touch!